Feeling 'touched out'!
Postnatal, Postpartum, 4th Trimester, Support Janine Gard Postnatal, Postpartum, 4th Trimester, Support Janine Gard

Feeling 'touched out'!

You want to scream at the top of your lungs. Your body is so overstimulated, sore, tired and plain beat up. You don’t feel an inch of sexiness which only adds to the more guilt you feel. You have a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding. It’s only 12 pm and you have been touched a gazillion times!

You are so over it but no one understands. To make matters worst you are so fearful to express it because you will feel judged. You are burnt out and you are beginning to cringe when it’s time to feed your baby or “sexy time”. Am I a bad Mum/partner you think to yourself? Is there something wrong with me? Why do I turn away from being kissed by my partner? I don’t ever feel the need to be intimate anymore… what does this mean for my relationship?”

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