The Cascade of Interventions: Understanding the Impact on Your Birth Experience

The Cascade of Interventions: Understanding the Impact on Your Birth Experience

The cascade of interventions refers to the chain of medical procedures that can follow one initial intervention during labour. While some are necessary, each can increase the likelihood of more, potentially changing the birth experience. Understanding this helps parents make informed decisions about their birth plan and know when interventions are truly needed.

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Essential Aftercare for Caesarean Section: Healing and Recovery Tips
Postnatal, Postpartum, Caesarean Sections, Support Janine Gard Postnatal, Postpartum, Caesarean Sections, Support Janine Gard

Essential Aftercare for Caesarean Section: Healing and Recovery Tips

After a C-section, recovery can take time and patience, but with the right care and support, you'll heal and feel stronger every day. The first few days after surgery are focused on managing pain, preventing infection, and allowing your body to rest. You’ll likely need assistance with daily tasks as you regain mobility and strength. It’s important to monitor your incision for signs of infection, stay hydrated, and follow your healthcare provider's advice on movement, rest, and nutrition. Taking care of yourself during this time is vital, so don't hesitate to ask for help, prioritize rest, and allow your body the time it needs to heal properly.

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Is it normal for my c-section scar to itch?
Caesarean Sections, Postnatal, Postpartum, Health Janine Gard Caesarean Sections, Postnatal, Postpartum, Health Janine Gard

Is it normal for my c-section scar to itch?

There are several layers to heal after having a c-section. The obstetrician will cut through skin tissue, move aside muscles, and then make an incision through three layers of the uterus: the inner lining (endometrium); the middle muscular layer (myometrium); and the outer layer (perimetrium).

The skin or external incision will usually heal within the first two weeks of birth. The incision that was made into the uterus takes between 6 to 12 weeks to heal completely. It’s important to follow the instructions of your LMC to ensure your incision heals properly and minimise the chance of any complications. Find out if the itching is normal….

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Caesarean Sections - everything you need to know.
Labour, Caesarean Sections, Postnatal Janine Gard Labour, Caesarean Sections, Postnatal Janine Gard

Caesarean Sections - everything you need to know.

Most people hope for a short labour and delivery with no complications — manageable contractions, some pushing, then a beautiful baby. But it doesn't always work out that way. Some babies need to be delivered via caesarean section (C-section). Whether you are having an elective or an emergency C-section, the surgical operation is generally the same.

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