How Does Labor Process Begin?
Understanding how labour begins is key to preparing for childbirth. The process typically starts with early signs like contractions, changes in vaginal discharge, and the loss of the mucus plug. These signals indicate that your body is preparing for delivery. In this guide, we'll explore how labour starts, what to expect during the early stages, and when to reach out to your healthcare provider. Knowing these signs can help you feel more confident and ready for the big day.
1, 2, 3...... Ready for Birth?
There comes a time in every pregnancy after the books have been read, the nursery decorated, the car seat installed and antenatal classes attended and now all that's left to do is wait and oh my goodness, the wait, unfortunately, can feel like such a long time. But even though most women go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks, there's no way to pinpoint exactly when labour will begin, and it's often this not knowing that makes some people very anxious.
What do labour contractions feel like?
A contraction is a tightening of your uterus. The uterine muscle can contract at any time from mid-pregnancy on, and those contractions might feel like nothing at all, or they might be completely overwhelming.
Your uterus is a large muscle, and just like any other muscle in your body, it will flex when it’s stimulated, Hormonal changes can start contractions—but how you experience contractions depends on your pain threshold and what type of contraction you're actually having (yep, there’s more than one kind). In the first stage of labour, your contractions gradually open your cervix. In the second stage of labour, they ease your baby down through your vagina and out. In the third stage of labour, they dislodge your placenta and seal off blood vessels, as your uterus contracts down.
Stages of Labour.
There comes a time in every pregnancy after the books have been read, the nursery decorated, the car seat installed and antenatal classes attended and now all that's left to do is wait and oh my goodness, the wait, unfortunately, can feel like such a long time. But even though most women go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks, there's no way to pinpoint exactly when labour will begin, and it's often this not knowing that makes some people very anxious.
Let’s have a look at how labour works.