What Do Babies Do All Day in your Uterus? A Peek Inside Their Busy Little World
Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard

What Do Babies Do All Day in your Uterus? A Peek Inside Their Busy Little World

Ever wonder what your baby is up to while nestled snugly in your womb? Spoiler alert: they're not just lounging around! From hiccupping and stretching to practicing their ninja moves, babies are surprisingly active in utero. This fascinating little world of kicks, tumbles, and even "breathing" practice offers a glimpse into their development and growing personality. Get ready to dive into the amazing daily life of your womb-dweller!

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Fetal Hiccups.
Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard

Fetal Hiccups.

Pop…pop…pop! If you’re in your second or third trimester and your belly suddenly feels like a popcorn popper, chances are baby’s got a case of the hiccups. By the time those first fluttery baby movements turn into actual jabs, punches and rolls, you’ll likely also begin to notice the telltale rhythmic movements of fetal hiccups as well. But why do babies hiccup in the womb, and how often is normal? Oh no, is she okay? Is she in distress? Are they annoying her? Read on to learn more about hiccups in utero.

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