Celebrating the Power of Your Placenta and What to Do After Birth
The placenta is an incredible organ that plays a vital role in your pregnancy, providing essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby. After birth, many families choose to honor this remarkable organ in meaningful ways, such as through placenta burial or planting a tree. This post explores the amazing functions of the placenta and offers ideas for honouring it after birth, celebrating the connection between mother, baby, and the earth.
Is Lotus Birth Right for You? Key Information for New Parents
Throughout the last couple of decades, western medicine has faced an increase in a variety of natural methods and labour and birth haven't been left out of these notions. Lotus birth has gained a lot of attention lately, as more and more are choosing to abandon the common practice of severing the umbilical cord soon after birth. Lotus birth is often endorsed as being more 'natural' and more 'peaceful' for both Mumma and baby, but, this birthing practice/placenta ritual isn’t without its share of controversy or risk. Let's shed light on this trend.