How to Involve Your Partner in the Pregnancy Journey: Tips for a Stronger Bond
Pregnancy, Dad's Janine Gard Pregnancy, Dad's Janine Gard

How to Involve Your Partner in the Pregnancy Journey: Tips for a Stronger Bond

Pregnancy is an exciting time, and it’s important for both partners to feel connected and involved in the journey. From attending doctor’s appointments to helping with preparations for baby’s arrival, there are plenty of ways to include your partner every step of the way. This article offers simple and fun ideas to help your partner engage, bond with the baby, and support you during this special time. After all, teamwork makes the dream work!

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Things You Really Don’t Want to Hear (or See) From Your Partner During Labour and Birth
Janine Gard Janine Gard

Things You Really Don’t Want to Hear (or See) From Your Partner During Labour and Birth

Labour is no time for partners to drop the ball! While your role might not be as physical, your presence and support mean everything. But beware—there are a few classic mistakes that can turn a stressful situation into a downright disaster. From falling asleep to scrolling on your phone or making ill-timed jokes, we’ve compiled a list of what not to say or do during labour and birth. Read on to avoid the pitfalls and ensure you’re the supportive partner your loved one needs in the delivery room!

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How can you, as her partner, be the support she needs?
Janine Gard Janine Gard

How can you, as her partner, be the support she needs?

We all know what Mum's job is during labour and birth, but by offering your support, you play a crucial role as well. Besides providing encouragement during labor and birth, you’ll be the point person for all sorts of duties — from distractor-in-chief to cord-cutter!!

So, how can you prepare for what’s bound to be a physically exhausting day for her and an emotional one for both of you? Check out these tips so you can proceed with patience and confidence during one of the most important days of your life.

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Support Persons Role - it’s important.
Janine Gard Janine Gard

Support Persons Role - it’s important.

Supporting your partner through pregnancy is a very important job. Pregnancy and childbirth can be exhausting both physically and emotionally, so helping her in any way you can will benefit her, your relationship and ultimately your baby. Going to check-ups and antenatal classes are an important part in supporting your partner during pregnancy. Learn more….

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What’s it like for partners during birth?
Partners, Pregnancy Janine Gard Partners, Pregnancy Janine Gard

What’s it like for partners during birth?

As the birth support for a woman in labour, your biggest role is to provide support and encouragement during the entire childbirth process. The best way to do that is to know what to expect, so before it's 'go time', make sure you understand the different stages of labour, you know how to time contractions and when to head to the hospital (and how to get there!), and you've discussed the birth plan or wishes with your partner. In the delivery room, you're her advocate and her main source of comfort. Stay calm, confident, and supportive.

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