The Perks of Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is different for everyone, but it’s guaranteed to be a transformative experience. Within a very short space of time your body is converted into a space for your baby to develop and grow.

Your identity is changing too. If this is your first baby, you are experiencing the psychological transformation of becoming a parent—of your life suddenly being about much more than your own well-being.

Sure, you'll probably experience other physical and emotional challenges like morning sickness, sciatica, round ligament pain, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, heartburn indigestion, and mood swings, to name a few. But don't lose sight of all the awesome perks that pregnancy offers too.

Feeling your baby move

Hands down, there is nothing more amazing than the first time you feel your little one swimming around inside you. Honestly, it never really gets old throughout pregnancy. Well, except when your baby starts punching you in the bladder. Or the ribs!

Feeling empowered by your body

Even if your road to pregnancy was bumpy, you did it. You were able to make and grow a baby, and you should feel proud of what your body can do. Honour and celebrate it.

Lush hair and that 'pregnancy glow'

You will never have as thick a mane as you do when you are pregnant. And pregnancy glow is a real thing. Enjoy it all!

All the naps!

There is always an excuse to nap when you are pregnant. You’re making an entire human being and it’s an exhausting experience. Even if you don’t think you’ll fall asleep, make sure you take opportunities to rest.

Second trimester hunger fest

If you are a food lover, you will really get to enjoy yourself during the second trimester when pregnancy makes you super hungry (it takes a heap of energy to grow a tiny human). It’s a welcome relief after the first trimester when food may have been a total turn off.

Did we mention 'shopping spree'?

If you are a planner or shopper (or both), you are in luck during pregnancy. Is there anything more enjoyable than shopping for baby items, designing their nursery, or imagining what it will be like to finally hold your bundle of love?

Being able to cancel plans!

If you are an introvert who is happy to stay home and read, your time has come. Not looking forward to hanging out with the in-laws this weekend? Blame pregnancy fatigue and you’ve got a free pass. There are really so many opportunities to become a homebody during pregnancy.

An opportunity to slow down

Many of us still have to work or care for our other children while pregnant. But if there was ever a time to slow down, take a load off, and put your feet up, this is it. Be sure to accept all offers of help and pampering.

A pause on your period!

Going without a menstrual period for nine months can be a real benefit for many of us, especially if we experience intense discomfort from hormones fluctuations, PMS, migraine, cramps, and more.... and don't get me started on the cost savings!

Being the centre of attention

This one is admittedly not a perk for all of us. But if you like having attention lavished on you, now’s the time to embrace. Do remember that personal boundaries come in handy here. No one can touch your belly without your permission, asking if you know the gender or what you’re planning to name your baby- this is no one’s business if you're keeping it hush for now.

Medical disclaimer: This page is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice offered by physicians, osteopath, midwife, obstetrician, chiropractor or other qualified health care provider.


Congratulations. Welcome to your pregnancy!


Double the Love - expecting twins.