What to do when your baby is upset.
When your baby’s crying feels overwhelming, finding the right soothing method can make all the difference. From offering a pacifier to trying gentle swaddling, rhythmic music, or even a calming bath, there are plenty of ways to help your little one relax. This guide explores practical tips for soothing babies, while also reminding parents to take care of themselves during these challenging moments. Discover the comforting techniques that can bring peace to both you and your baby.

Birth moved from home into hospital during the 1900s. The medical model of maternity care became entrenched in society, along with the expectation that women would labour on a bed. Flat on their back, and sometimes with their legs in stirrups. There is a complete lack of evidence to support this physiologically dysfunctional birthing position, which simply came down to doctor preference, and subsequently, how they were then trained (bugger!)

Never Shake a Baby.
Shaken Baby Syndrome is a serious injury to the brain resulting from intentional head trauma which can occur when a baby is thrown, jogged, jerked, or shaken - often because the baby or child won't stop crying. It is the single most preventable cause of serious head injury in babies under 1 year of age in New Zealand. Babies, especially very young ones, have relatively large heads, and weak neck muscles, so any kind of violent movement will cause a kind of whiplash effect. A baby’s delicate, developing brain is much more sensitive to injury and serious damage than an adult’s.

Feeding your baby formula.
There are many reasons a family may not breastfeed: some may be unable to produce enough milk for their baby’s needs, others may have a health condition or take medication that prevents them from breastfeeding, some may choose not to breastfeed and some may need to return to work. Others may be in a same-sex relationship or are adoptive, foster parents or carers. There are many reasons why formula might be the best option for you and your baby. Yes, breastfeeding is ideal, but that does not mean formula is bad.

What do labour contractions feel like?
A contraction is a tightening of your uterus. The uterine muscle can contract at any time from mid-pregnancy on, and those contractions might feel like nothing at all, or they might be completely overwhelming.
Your uterus is a large muscle, and just like any other muscle in your body, it will flex when it’s stimulated, Hormonal changes can start contractions—but how you experience contractions depends on your pain threshold and what type of contraction you're actually having (yep, there’s more than one kind). In the first stage of labour, your contractions gradually open your cervix. In the second stage of labour, they ease your baby down through your vagina and out. In the third stage of labour, they dislodge your placenta and seal off blood vessels, as your uterus contracts down.

Feeling 'touched out'!
You want to scream at the top of your lungs. Your body is so overstimulated, sore, tired and plain beat up. You don’t feel an inch of sexiness which only adds to the more guilt you feel. You have a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding. It’s only 12 pm and you have been touched a gazillion times!
You are so over it but no one understands. To make matters worst you are so fearful to express it because you will feel judged. You are burnt out and you are beginning to cringe when it’s time to feed your baby or “sexy time”. Am I a bad Mum/partner you think to yourself? Is there something wrong with me? Why do I turn away from being kissed by my partner? I don’t ever feel the need to be intimate anymore… what does this mean for my relationship?”

How painful is BIRTH?
Is this really that bad? How painful will it be, and can I handle it? While birth is different for everyone, birth is painful. But the great news, it’s manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time mums (46 percent) said the pain they experienced with their first was better than they expected,

Advocacy during labour and the postnatal period.
Whether you give birth in the hospital, at home, an operating room, or in a warm bath or shower, labour and birth can be an arduous process. Almost inevitably, there will be choices to be made. Also, inevitably, it’s probably not going to go exactly as you had imagined, planned, or expected.

Why you need to do Antenatal Classes.
Childbirth is full of wonderment, excitement, joy, trepidation and a huge dose of the unknown.... how am I going to cope? will my partner support me in the way I need? Do I actually have options, can I say no? What if I can't do this? how does my body make breastmilk, can I sleep safely with my baby next to me? What is involved with an epidural? How can I have a natural birth? Do I have to give birth in hospital? These questions and soooooooo many more will be answered during antenatal classes - there is a huge list of benefits and positives for you and your partner or support person.

Congratulations. Welcome to your pregnancy!
Congratulations and welcome to your pregnancy! You've probably got a million questions and you're probably feeling a million different emotions right now, right? Excited, overwhelmed, scared maybe even unsure. We've got the practical advice on everything you need to know right now.

The Perks of Pregnancy.
Sure, you'll probably experience other physical and emotional challenges like morning sickness, sciatica, round ligament pain, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, heartburn indigestion, and mood swings, to name a few. But don't lose sight of all the awesome perks that pregnancy offers too.

Double the Love - expecting twins.
Every year in New Zealand around 1000 couples find themselves expecting twins, triplets or occasionally even more babies. Multiple births are more common than they were years ago, due to the advancing average age of mothers and the associated rise in assisted reproductive techniques, in particular the use of fertility drugs.

Postnatal Depression - you are not alone.
Sometimes, parents have difficulty adjusting to the many physical, emotional, psychological and social challenges of parenting. We know that everyone experiences symptoms of perinatal anxiety and depression differently. The way it affects you can depend on a range of factors. Your own physical, emotional and mental make-up and stressful external situations may combine to increase the risk of you developing symptoms of perinatal anxiety and/or depression.
Postnatal Bodies are Beautiful.
Somewhere along the way, you might have believed that your body was supposed to look the same forever. The media and all the celebrities in the spotlight don’t help matters at all! Here’s the God-honest truth: all bodies change, and it’s been that way since the day you were born and will be that way until the day you die. Shouldn’t the joy of having a new baby outweigh any of the discomforts we might feel in our postnatal bodies? In the aftermath of childbirth, many exhausted mummas feel blindsided by an assault of physical changes as fluctuations in hormones, sleep deprivation, hair loss, puffiness, loose skin, stretch marks, changes in energy and appetite that throw off the body’s reliable responses to mood and weight management.

How to choose your midwife.
It's completely normal to have a lot of questions and concerns during this exciting time. Midwives are trained professionals who can provide valuable guidance and support throughout your pregnancy journey and beyond.
Not sure what to look for or what questions to ask when choosing a midwife? No worries, we've got you covered during this exciting and nerve-wracking time!

Caesarean Sections - everything you need to know.
Most people hope for a short labour and delivery with no complications — manageable contractions, some pushing, then a beautiful baby. But it doesn't always work out that way. Some babies need to be delivered via caesarean section (C-section). Whether you are having an elective or an emergency C-section, the surgical operation is generally the same.

Vivid pregnancy dreams & nightmares!
Feeling like you've been streaming some pretty strange Netflix shows while you're sleeping these days? Something's definitely on your mind, and it's making you dream up a storm? Even if you're normally the type who doesn't remember your dreams when you wake up, you may suddenly find you're elbowing your partner in the middle of the night to recount the details of your latest wacky dream. Dreams may be so richly detailed and vivid that you may wake from them wondering, was that really a dream? While they may make you feel like you're losing your mind, pregnancy dreams are healthy and normal.

Does the position of your baby have an impact on your labour? You bet it does!
One of the things you can do to help your labour go well is to line your baby up so that it can take the easiest (optimal) pathway through your pelvis. Ideally, your baby should have it's back on your left and towards the front with feet kicking on your right, this is called an anterior position (or optimal fetal position).

Morning sickness, when does it start? And, can I do anything to help?
There is a big range of morning sickness, and it can vary from pregnancy to pregnancy, symptoms are often described from anything such as a bad hangover, really bad motion sickness to the more severe version known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) which affects around 2% of all pregnant women. If you are vomiting multiple times in the day, having trouble keeping fluids and food down - you may have HG. You should seek medical advice, as you may be at risk of serious dehydration.

What happens to you during the '4th Trimester' (and is it a real thing)?
Just when you thought you'd reached the finish line of pregnancy, you discover there’s one more "trimester" to journey through.
We’re talking about the "4th trimester" - that hazy period where you’re recovering from pregnancy and delivery while simultaneously learning how to be a parent as you, your partner and your baby adjust.
Marking the transition from pregnancy to postpartum, the fourth trimester is the 12-week period of time following the birth of your baby. These first weeks are a time of change, learning, and new experiences for everyone.
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