Fed Is Best: Supporting Your Baby’s Growth and Your Choices

Fed Is Best: Supporting Your Baby’s Growth and Your Choices

This is not the big debate between breastmilk and formula, so if you're looking for my opinion, you're not going to find it here. Like all the knowledge and experience I share, it's just that, unbiased, giving you the information, facts, tools and references to make your own decision. It’s your right to choose how to feed your baby and you can change your mind along the way if you want. Find out more…

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Conversations to have before your baby arrives!
Pregnancy, Team Janine Gard Pregnancy, Team Janine Gard

Conversations to have before your baby arrives!

In between getting your baby's nursery ready, purchasing all the items you feel you might need and all of the other to-dos that come with having a baby, one of the most important things that often gets pushed to the side is sitting down and talking with your partner about the life change that is about to unfold and prepping for the impact it’ll have on your relationship.

There’s so much focus in our culture on dreaming about pregnancy and dreaming about baby, but not any dreaming about what a family of three (or more) will be like. Find out here.

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Single Dad Life: Navigating parenthood.
Parenting, Fatherhood, Dad's, Support Janine Gard Parenting, Fatherhood, Dad's, Support Janine Gard

Single Dad Life: Navigating parenthood.

Becoming or being a single dad is by far the biggest challenge you may have faced to date. However your journey started as a father, finding yourself as a single parent can be devastating, during which it’s easy to become overwhelmed by emotions - heartache, pain, confusion, panic, fear, feeling like a failure, and more. Many newly single dads struggle to know where to start. What should be first on your list, and how do you even begin to get your head around the rest?

It’s important to stay focused on what’s important, the bigger picture, putting your kids first and keeping things amicable with your ex-partner.

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When Fatherhood Feels Heavy: Understanding Anxiety and Depression in New Dads
Fatherhood, Dad's, PND, Support Janine Gard Fatherhood, Dad's, PND, Support Janine Gard

When Fatherhood Feels Heavy: Understanding Anxiety and Depression in New Dads

Becoming a new dad is a life-changing event. Even when change is positive, it can still be challenging. Having mixed and complex emotions as an expectant or new dad is completely normal, but these can be confronting emotions to manage. Along with feelings of joy, excitement and pride, the experience of pregnancy and birth can be accompanied by feelings of apprehension, anxiety and exhaustion. Keep reading….

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Teen Dad Life: Building Strength, One Day at a Time
Teen Life, Pregnancy, Support, Parenting, Team Janine Gard Teen Life, Pregnancy, Support, Parenting, Team Janine Gard

Teen Dad Life: Building Strength, One Day at a Time

Becoming a parent can be one of the biggest and most demanding changes a person can go through, and if you're a teen and you've recently learned that you are going to become a dad, this could be a confusing time for you.

It’s completely normal to have lots of different thoughts and feelings, and it may take a long time to get used to the idea of becoming a dad. Young dads are among the most socially excluded parenting groups throughout the world. Continue reading…..

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But, what kind of father do you want to be?
Fatherhood, Dad's Janine Gard Fatherhood, Dad's Janine Gard

But, what kind of father do you want to be?

Some men have a good sense of what a good dad should be by watching their fathers. Other men are trying to break a pattern of bad fathering, whether it be an addiction, anger, or complete absence. Studies have shown that a father’s (or father figure's) involvement in the child’s upbringing can influence their overall development. Indeed, a dad who is more involved in their children’s day-to-day activities helps bring positive changes that shape their child’s life.

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All you need to know about Colic.
Postnatal, Colic, Baby Janine Gard Postnatal, Colic, Baby Janine Gard

All you need to know about Colic.

The reality is, all babies cry: It's the best (and only) way for them to communicate their needs at this tender age. And as parents, we’re biologically programmed to respond so those needs get met. But in babies with colic, the crying starts suddenly for no apparent reason. Worst of all, try as you might — and try you will — it's extremely difficult to calm a colicky baby, which only compounds your own frustration, worry and exhaustion. Read on….

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Postnatal Depression - A Partners Perspective.
Postnatal, Postpartum, Support, PND, Parenting, Health Janine Gard Postnatal, Postpartum, Support, PND, Parenting, Health Janine Gard

Postnatal Depression - A Partners Perspective.

Welcoming your new baby is a time of joy, as well as a radical life adjustment for you both. Your partner is recovering from pregnancy and birth, you are both learning to meet the needs of your newborn, and throw in the lack of sleep, times can be trying to say the least! When postnatal depression is added into the mix, it can tip any sense of balance, and make the postnatal adjustment feel completely overwhelming. Keep reading….

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Fetal Hiccups.
Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard Pregnancy, Baby Janine Gard

Fetal Hiccups.

Pop…pop…pop! If you’re in your second or third trimester and your belly suddenly feels like a popcorn popper, chances are baby’s got a case of the hiccups. By the time those first fluttery baby movements turn into actual jabs, punches and rolls, you’ll likely also begin to notice the telltale rhythmic movements of fetal hiccups as well. But why do babies hiccup in the womb, and how often is normal? Oh no, is she okay? Is she in distress? Are they annoying her? Read on to learn more about hiccups in utero.

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Your baby's movements while in utero.
Baby, Pregnancy Janine Gard Baby, Pregnancy Janine Gard

Your baby's movements while in utero.

It's reassuring for every pregnant person to feel their baby move, and any perceived lack of movement can leave you fearing the worst. Baby movements in your uterus, also known as fetal movements or ‘kicks’, can feel like anything from a flutter, kick, swish or roll. The type of movement may change as your pregnancy progresses. Read more….

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Support Persons Role - it’s important.
Pregnancy, Support Janine Gard Pregnancy, Support Janine Gard

Support Persons Role - it’s important.

Supporting your partner through pregnancy is a very important job. Pregnancy and childbirth can be exhausting both physically and emotionally, so helping her in any way you can will benefit her, your relationship and ultimately your baby. Going to check-ups and antenatal classes are an important part in supporting your partner during pregnancy. Learn more….

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What is cholestasis of pregnancy?
Pregnancy, Pregnancy Concerns Janine Gard Pregnancy, Pregnancy Concerns Janine Gard

What is cholestasis of pregnancy?

Cholestasis of pregnancy is a liver condition that causes severe itching late in pregnancy. It’s also known as intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) or obstetric cholestasis.

ICP temporarily lowers liver function in some pregnant people. This causes bile to build up in your liver and bloodstream. Bile is a substance produced by your liver and stored in your gallbladder. Every time you eat, bile breaks down fats so you can digest them properly. When levels of bile in your blood reach a certain level, you may begin to itch. Read more….

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1, 2, 3...... Ready for Birth?
Pregnancy, Labour, Labour and Birth Janine Gard Pregnancy, Labour, Labour and Birth Janine Gard

1, 2, 3...... Ready for Birth?

There comes a time in every pregnancy after the books have been read, the nursery decorated, the car seat installed and antenatal classes attended and now all that's left to do is wait and oh my goodness, the wait, unfortunately, can feel like such a long time. But even though most women go into labour between 37 and 42 weeks, there's no way to pinpoint exactly when labour will begin, and it's often this not knowing that makes some people very anxious.

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Choosing the perfect name!
Baby, Parenting Janine Gard Baby, Parenting Janine Gard

Choosing the perfect name!

So, you're sitting at the traffic lights waiting for the lights to turn green when a great song comes on the radio. It mentions a name and you start thinking it could be the perfect name for your baby! Choosing the perfect baby name can feel all at once thrilling and intimidating. After all, the name you give your little one will be an everlasting part of your child’s identity that they’ll carry with them from their hospital I.D. bracelet to their days on the playground and beyond. Continue here…..

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Natural Pain Relief - and your options.

Natural Pain Relief - and your options.

The topic of pain in labour and birth is a hotly debated subject around the coffee table and while pain in labour can't be entirely avoided (for most people), the fear of pain can be addressed and reduced. Taking good birth education classes, working with a trusted and supportive midwife, and having good continuous support from a partner, friend, or family member all can help greatly reduce your fear of pain in birth. It also helps to know a few things about labour pain.

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Pooping during labour?
Poop, Labour Janine Gard Poop, Labour Janine Gard

Pooping during labour?

A question I get asked frequently is ' will I poop during labour?' As your baby moves through the birth canal, your colon is squeezed like a tube of toothpaste. If your colon hasn’t emptied before labour began, the pressure of your baby moving down may also push out any poop left in the lower part of your colon. Read more….

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Baby Massage - the underlying language of comfort.
Baby massage, Baby Janine Gard Baby massage, Baby Janine Gard

Baby Massage - the underlying language of comfort.

Baby massage is a gentle, soothing way to bond with your little one while promoting relaxation and comfort. Through soft, rhythmic strokes, you can ease your baby’s tension, improve sleep, and even relieve common discomforts like gas or colic. This nurturing practice not only benefits your baby's physical well-being but also strengthens your emotional connection. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, baby massage is a beautiful and calming routine to incorporate into your daily care.

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